West Coast Chamber Jazz Trio

Hi Everyone,

I am going to try to post a weekly blog and to do my damndest to keep it going for more than 4 weeks! Here’s the first post.

I am so honored to play with Jeff Schwartz and Andrea Centazzo in Andrea’s “West Coast Chamber Jazz Trio.” We had a great gig complete with Andrea’s creative video backdrop at “2220 Arts and Archive” this past Saturday. Playing with them magical. The second set of Vijay Anderson’s Quintet with Vinny Golia, Bobby Bradford, Will Roper and Adam Lane was inspiring as well. I was transported as I listened to master improvisers work their sounds around and between each other while being inspired by the live video. Their set culminated in a drum solo by Vijay that kicked off a frenetic climax.

The music the space, the attentive and appreciative audience, and dare I say, my new sandals all made for a perfect night.

(P.S. this photo does not do the sparkles  justice!)

If you missed it, come hear Charles Sharp, Scott Dibble, Jeff and myself improvise our way around tunes new and old at “The Industry Café & Jazz,” 6039 Washington Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232. We’ll be there Friday, April 15, 6:30-9:30ish. Come enjoy Aron’s delicious Eritrean cuisine while listening to the tunes.

More in a week!