Doing vs. Watching

We all have tendencies. If they are positive we call them talents. If they are negative we call them habits or worse addictions. Two big ones of mine are watching…

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Descriptive vs. Opinionated

Can language be descriptive without being opinionated? Can we ever say anything that is objective? We all have our point of view. I love that expression. If you’ve ever drawn…

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Deserving or Entitled

Oh, how I hate getting triggered. Privilege and entitlement still get to me. I’ve often heard what bothers us in others is what we don’t like about ourselves. I’ve thought…

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Art vs. Commerce

I go between commerce being a way for artists to exist producing their art to feeling like art is minimalized when it has to fit into the commercial world. I…

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Ease or Flexibility

Life is sound, i.e. vibrations. If you slow a pitch down enough it is just clicks. We hear because of the pulsing—the giving and taking away. Light is just pulsing…

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Achieving vs. Accepting

I have realized after many years that taking time to acknowledge success is just as important as striving to be better. If you never stop to acknowledge yourself, it’s like…

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Social good vs. Socialism

Social good is something that benefits the largest number of people in the largest possible way… ( …socialism is based on the idea that common or public ownership of resources…

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What will we do…or not do

I finally decided to suffer the violence and watch Squid Games, the show that everyone is talking about. It brings up so many questions about what we will do to…

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Needs or Desires

What is enough? Since moving my mother out of a 2,500 square foot house (with about 2,000 sq. feet of basement) that she lived in for 50 years, I’ve been…

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