Doing vs. Feeling

As I was hiking the Swiss Alps, using walking sticks, I felt like I had four legs. I first did this back in the mountains of Colorado after I found…

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Complaining or Appreciating

I was stuck three days in an Italian hotel room quarantined with Covid. After I got over feeling guilty for not taking a test sooner and possibly infecting others, for…

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Opinion vs. Fact

I would love to have some place where people with differing views can talk and listen to each other. I find that sometimes I cannot even talk with my left…

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Labeling or Observing

I was lucky enough to meet and play with wonderful improvisers from the U.S., E.U and Great Britain during the “Ictus Music Festival” at Teatro Out/Off in Milan, July 4-7,…

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Confessionals vs. Aspirationals

I was looking through some of my writings from the pandemic year and I found the following from February 2020. It’s worth sharing because I believe that thinking small holds…

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Control or Abandon

I like what I don’t know. I just got on the Amtrak to San Juan Capistrano one Sunday because I just needed a trip. I feel free when travelling because…

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For Worse or Better

I recently took a trip to Kansas City for their International Film Festival where the short rom-com I wrote, “Loves Me, Loves Me Not”, was being screened. Almost every step…

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Perfectionism or Procrastination

Perfectionism and follow through. I have been plagued with these two curses. I don’t know if I can’t follow through because I’m a perfectionist and rarely happy with what I…

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